About Us

Crafting Unrivaled Airport Experiences

At LPort, our mission is simple – to enhance your travel experience and make it effortlessly connected experience. We have arrived with a vision to redefine airport travel, ensuring that every journey you take with us is smooth and stress-free. From streamlined booking processes to smart  solutions, we are dedicated to simplifying your travel from start to the airplane seat.

Our national company is dedicated to providing innovative solutions and experiences that go beyond the ordinary. With a focus on innovation, sustainability, and personalized experiences, say goodbye to long waiting times and confusing transfers. LPort’s intelligent transfer services enable swift and smooth movement between connecting flights, ensuring you reach your destination with minimal stress.

From arrival at the airport to the final destination, our solutions ensure a hassle-free and delightful experience for all our passengers.

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Eng. Gasem Al Shaikh

Our Vision

Foster a connected mobility ecosystem through innovative solutions, redefining excellence in travel.

Our Value

Customer Oriented




Our Partners

Incredible Journeys, Powered by Our Trusted Partners

At LPort, we understand that the key to exceptional travel experiences lies in strong partnerships. That’s why we’ve teamed up with industry-leading organizations, airlines, and hospitality providers who share our passion for innovation and customer satisfaction.

Our esteemed partners play a crucial role in shaping the future of airport travel, allowing us to offer you seamless smart logistical solutions and one-of-a-kind adventures. Together, we create a travel ecosystem that empowers your journey, making every moment unforgettable.