


Affordable, straightforward reconciliation for operations of any size
Prevent lost baggage

Increase passenger satisfaction with fewer lost bags and reduce the amount of compensation that needs to be paid. LPort BRS allows your operation to efficiently track baggage throughout the passenger journey and improves the accuracy of your reconciliation process.

Avoid delays with LPort BRS

Achieve AAA compliance by ensuring that every bag loaded onto an aircraft belongs to passengers that have actually boarded that aircraft. Misloads and slow offloading of baggage are frequent causes of delays. This mobile solution also allows you to locate the bags of passengers that do not board and easily detect misrouted baggage prior to loading onto the aircraft.

Improve operational efficiency

Know exactly how many bags should be loaded and avoid last minute panics by identifying bags that are not yet authorised to be loaded onto the aircraft.
Save time by eliminating the endless counting of slips and have real-time reporting of the load status of baggage as it happens; all without manual counting.

Loaders handle hundreds or thousands of bags a day. Peeling stickers and counting them afterwards is not a modern way of ensuring the right bags are on board. Bingo Sheets are laborious, slow and error-prone.

Auditing and investigation require sifting through reams of archived paperwork. LPort BRS simplifies the baggage reconciliation and auditing processes, with accurate reports that can be uplifted to an external system with data re-entry.

IATA 753 compliance with a few simple clicks

Improve On-Time Performance and reduce delays by quickly detecting missing baggage. Get real-time insight on every location and time a bag was scanned during its journey. Comply with IATA 753 by effortlessly tracking every bag from bag drop to flight departure.

Quick Implementation

Implement LPort BRS with just an app download onto your own phone(s) or on ruggedised devices that we supply. Easily integrate with your existing baggage handling system and achieve IATA 753 compliance at the same time.

Exchange IATA messages with DCS hosts for every bag.

Our solution also works with any DCS via industry-standard messages to associate every bag with its owner.

A cost-effective baggage solution

The business case for an independent BRS often falls apart because traditional solutions are expensive. LPort BRS runs on a smartphone and does not require any additional, expensive hardware.

This is baggage reconciliation made simple, hosted on the cloud which avoids the need to have costly on-site IT infrastructure.

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